Thursday, December 14, 2017

Blog Stage eight

On December 01, 2017 my classmate posted The Struggle Is Real  on Blog 7. I choose to comment on this blog post I totally identify with what the article is talking about. Since President Trump has taken the office, everything has been destroyed and a lot of changes have been made. I agree that our government is getting destroyed and no one is in control. Taking away taxes and health care and deporting people really need to stop. It is true that the society is ignoring the people and no one in the White House is paying attention to the innocent people that have come to live the American Dream.
I agree with all the statements, but unfortunately it is going to be a lot of years till we see our freedom again. For the upcoming years, I feel like we need to just wait and see what happens with our political system because we still have a little bit of hope from our Democratic Party. Since the impeachment of the president is impossible right now, we need to discard what is happening in front of us and just hope for a good outcome.

Friday, December 1, 2017

Blog seven

Could DACA be saved?
            Nearly 800,000 young undocumented immigrants have been saved from deportation under DACA, which is a program that was created by Barack Obama in 2012. Since Donald Trump entered office, he has decided to remove DACA and give Congress six months to take action and come up with a new plan. Congress hasn’t taken any actions and all the young immigrants’ lives are on hold.
            Young immigrants are given the chance to live in the United States to reach their goals and have a chance to live in freedom. Recently, we had families separated, and a lot of young and old Latinos getting deported. I would like to have Congress take actions and give hope to these young kids. Those are the kids that could build our future and let the United States build equal rights for everybody. I have seen kids that work two jobs while attending school in order for them to survive in the United States. On top of that, they have to deal with fear to be able to live in the United States. I never imagined the freedom-loving United States would have people live in fear.

            On November28, the house GOP members announced that they are ready to work to craft a new legislative fix for the young immigrants. We are at a critical moment. Congress should take action and all its members should give the dreamers a hope to live. DACA should be saved. The members of the House could pass legislation that allows the young immigrants to live the American Dream with nothing to force them to get deported.

Thursday, November 16, 2017

Blog Stage Six

                On October 20,2017 My classmate Djaneaou’s blog titled Gun Control Groups Need a New Strategy, I commented my thoughts to the article.
I choose to comment on this blog post because most of blogs that I did over the semester were regarding violence and gun control. I honestly  agree with you  Djenabou regarding that nothing has or will change with the gun control.  We keep on having tragedies every day and a lot of innocent people are getting killed. I totally agree with your argument but United States have not done anything to save lives but they keep on coming up with new guns and more violence. I enjoy reading your article because I felt the same way about guns and I really think that the violence should stop.  Bringing new guns and having more violence wouldn’t stop deaths of innocent people.

Wednesday, November 1, 2017

Blog stage Five

                                                              Impeach Trump already?
                Sixteen years ago on a Tuesday, two of the buildings in The World Trade Center got destroyed in a few seconds. However, November 9,2016 is when everything got destroyed for the American people. Now the United States is being run by a billionaire who doesn’t know anything about politics or have any experience in government. Running the United States is more than running a Miss Universe organization. I have been living in the United States for the longest time but haven’t seen any serious problems that are we having with the president. Until now Donald J. Trump has been our president for several months and a lot has happened. Thousands of people are getting deported each day; families live in America with fear instead of freedom.
                From all the things that have been happening around us, Donald J. Trump should get impeached. The president is taking away family members, healthcare, financial assistance from a lot of people especially the lower class. Since his presidency, he has made America worse than it was. According to the Constitution, the president “shall be removed from office on impeachment for, and conviction of, treason, bribery, or other high crimes or misdemeanors.” Some people might think that the president is not breaking any laws, but I believe that taking things that people need the most is breaking the law.

                The only way that we could progress to our happiness is just to hope for Democrats to take over the House. As the BBC's North American reporter Anthony Zurcher points out, "If this were a Democratic-controlled House of Representatives, articles of impeachment would likely be in the drafting process.” When the Democrats take over the House, they have the ability to move the Article of Impeachment. Having the president removed from office would take away a lot of our problems. 

Wednesday, October 18, 2017

Blog Stage four

                Michelle Malkin is a Fox News channel contributor and author of Culture of Corruption.  On the  website, Townhall in her article There Is No Such Thing A “Deserving Dreamer", Malkin loses her temper about illegal immigrants voicing their problems and doesn’t want  to listen to anyone’s problems. She argues that everybody has their own problem and even Americans are not getting the help they need for the stress that they have.
                Malkin uses evidence of Americans without any health care or any jobs. Another thing she refers is to Jamiel Shaw, Sr., who was killed by an illegal immigrant back in 2012. She uses strong words such as “mercilessly”, and tells us to imagine spending our holidays talking to a grave.  It shows me that she sees all immigrants the same and no one is different. All in her mind are dangerous illegals.
                Her main claim in the article is that no dreamer deserves nothing in this country due to their parent’s illegal activity. She believes that the kids that are born here don’t own anything and deserve nothing. Because Michelle Malkin often appears in Fox news where she is popular with the conservative audience, I will assume that her audience on the blog includes the people that have similar political views as she does.
                 From her evidence and her argument, I totally disagree with her article.  Throughout the article, the author just harasses the readers and states that “there is no such thing as a deserving Dreamer.” Malkin specifically points out young adults who were brought to the United States as kids and throws the blame on their parents for being here illegally. From my understanding she sees every immigrant the same and doesn’t give any hope to anybody. A lot more people have been killed by Americans than by an immigrant person. Malkin just looks at part of the immigrant people and doesn’t see success in any immigrants at all. I believe that everyone has the right to be live in country without being afraid and all of us deserve to be living the American dream. 

Thursday, October 5, 2017

Blog Stage three

Peter Bergen is CNN’s national security analyst, a vice president at New America and a professor of practice at Arizona State University. On the website CNN Peter Bergen, in his article America the lethal, argues that America is special due to diversity and innovation that it also special in negative ways.
His main claim in the article is that our current gun laws are not sufficient. Because his article is on CNN, his audience is especially moderates and Democrats in the United States. As a national security analyst, for a major news network we should be able to trust his facts regarding gun violence.
Among advanced countries, the United States allows the citizens to carry a gun due to the Second Amendment that was published back in the 1700s. This law was created in the past when no one had expectation of the violence and the tragedies that we are facing now.  He then mentions the difference between different countries such as the United Kingdom. The United Kingdom has the same laws but has way less death than the American culture. According to the FBI Statistics more citizens are killed by Americans than by terrorism each year.
Bergen uses evidence of gun control throughout the history. He even refers to an attack in 1996 in school in Scotland but he mentions incidence like this “exception to the rule.” He goes back to the event of the 9/11 attack and also to the Sandy Hook school and the most recent one, the Las Vegas shooting that killed at least 58 citizens and injured more than 500.

At the end of the article, the author seems horrified with the same tragedies that been happening but he gives only hope for a change. I totally understand his point of view in the article, because we have been going through so much gun violence that they have become ordinary to hear about. Simply hoping for a change would lead to a long process that could leave a lot more innocent citizens dead.