Thursday, November 16, 2017

Blog Stage Six

                On October 20,2017 My classmate Djaneaou’s blog titled Gun Control Groups Need a New Strategy, I commented my thoughts to the article.
I choose to comment on this blog post because most of blogs that I did over the semester were regarding violence and gun control. I honestly  agree with you  Djenabou regarding that nothing has or will change with the gun control.  We keep on having tragedies every day and a lot of innocent people are getting killed. I totally agree with your argument but United States have not done anything to save lives but they keep on coming up with new guns and more violence. I enjoy reading your article because I felt the same way about guns and I really think that the violence should stop.  Bringing new guns and having more violence wouldn’t stop deaths of innocent people.

Wednesday, November 1, 2017

Blog stage Five

                                                              Impeach Trump already?
                Sixteen years ago on a Tuesday, two of the buildings in The World Trade Center got destroyed in a few seconds. However, November 9,2016 is when everything got destroyed for the American people. Now the United States is being run by a billionaire who doesn’t know anything about politics or have any experience in government. Running the United States is more than running a Miss Universe organization. I have been living in the United States for the longest time but haven’t seen any serious problems that are we having with the president. Until now Donald J. Trump has been our president for several months and a lot has happened. Thousands of people are getting deported each day; families live in America with fear instead of freedom.
                From all the things that have been happening around us, Donald J. Trump should get impeached. The president is taking away family members, healthcare, financial assistance from a lot of people especially the lower class. Since his presidency, he has made America worse than it was. According to the Constitution, the president “shall be removed from office on impeachment for, and conviction of, treason, bribery, or other high crimes or misdemeanors.” Some people might think that the president is not breaking any laws, but I believe that taking things that people need the most is breaking the law.

                The only way that we could progress to our happiness is just to hope for Democrats to take over the House. As the BBC's North American reporter Anthony Zurcher points out, "If this were a Democratic-controlled House of Representatives, articles of impeachment would likely be in the drafting process.” When the Democrats take over the House, they have the ability to move the Article of Impeachment. Having the president removed from office would take away a lot of our problems.